Objectif France - Inde
Objectif France - Inde
Working on sustainable development in India
Adopt a teacher

Dear OFI friends,
India has been affected by the Covid crisis since March 2020. Since that date, schools have been closed.
The Indian government has banned schools from collecting tuition fees from parents to pay teachers. Families are no longer able to afford the costs anyway.
Since the start of the pandemic, teachers have been on all fronts to help their students. and their families.
Our partner NGOs have sought and found solutions to continue teaching and avoid dropping out of school or child labor:
30% of children from families with a smart phone benefit from online lessons,
30% of families can come to school once a week to pick up lessons and homework that teachers prepare and correct,
For the most isolated families, teachers travel to the villages to teach children in small groups.
OFI participation
OFI has chosen to compensate part of the unpaid wages: 70 euros per month . This is the minimum wage per teacher pending the official reopening of schools.
Since the start of the pandemic, thanks to your donations, we have already been able to release 11,800 euros to pay the salaries of these teachers.
Hope for the future
We are impressed by the involvement of these teachers, children and their families ready to make all the sacrifices and commitments for a better future.
Help us give them the means to work and, together, participate in the education of the most disadvantaged young people.
A big thank you to all.