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OFI in the press

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Le petit journal
January 2025

For 2025, the RAJA-Danièle Marcovici Foundation has renewed its financial support for OFI's actions. These are in line with previous projects supported. The aim is to strengthen the capacities and autonomy of rural women in the state of Tamil Nadu, to guarantee their financial independence and food security.


Le Petit Journal
December 2024

"The 2 years with OFI were really great."

"Those two years with OFI taught me a lot and, above all, reinforced the idea that this was the field I wanted to work in."


Le petit journal
March 2024

IIn March 2024, Benjamine Oberoi was awarded the Trophée des Français de l'étranger for OFI's work with women and the creation of Self Help Groups.

"Le petit journal" des Français de l'étranger echoes this.


Tamil Magazine

In November 2020, SEVAI-OFI promoted Allur SHG Federation with 78 women members. This enabled setting up a garments production unit as income generation enterprise. Growth of awareness, capacity building, education and availability of information has led to confidence building among rural women.

Capture d’écran 2021-05-24 à 17.41.48.

Le petit

Maud Le Bars, a Frenchwoman living in India, launched on Mother's Day (Indian), a fundraising campaign with OFI to support the project to re-school children from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Bangalore


Le petit journal

En décembre 2019, Benjamine Oberoi a été lauréate du Trophée des Français de l’étranger pour l’action d’OFI auprès des femmes et la création des Self Help Groups.
« Le petit journal » des Français de l’étranger s’en fait l’écho.


News line

An article published on the News Line blog mentions the award received by OFI on September 25, 2017 for its work in favor of the education of underprivileged populations in South India.


She the people TV

A new article published on the “She the People TV” website which tells the story of Benjamine Oberoi, OFI Vice-President and field coordinator.


Courrier Internationnal

Benjamine Oberoï and his vision of India.



A very nice article on the work with our partner SEVAI in the field of Self Help Groups.

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General interest not-for-profit
Created in Toulon in April 1998
SIREN 438 439 283 00013

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