Objectif France - Inde
Objectif France - Inde
Working on sustainable development in India
Rural development
Current projects

OFI-GRAMIUM : Water for live
A new water resources management project started in March 2020 in partnership with GRAMIUM for three years. The project, which will be implemented for one year, provides for the renovation and construction of two hydraulic infrastructures in the villages of Rengapalapayam and Thirumeniyur, Karur district, Tamil Nadu, associated with the deepening of 25 wells, a planting program of 'trees, the creation of SHGs and a process of training and education in good water management and irrigation practices.
During this project, we capitalize as much as possible on our experience to allow other NGOs to set up similar projects in other intervention areas. A study will be carried out among the beneficiaries to precisely determine the results and impacts of the project and data collection work will be carried out by an expert.
OFI-SEVAI-GRAMIUM: Cultivating Development III
In 2020 OFI has developed partnerships with new donors on these rural development projects: "Cultivons le développement III". To capitalize on its experience in water management programs, the three-year project involves the renovation and construction of hydraulic infrastructure in the district of Karur, in Tamil Nadu, associated with a creation program. of SHGs and a training process in reasoned management of resources and respect for the environment. To increase plant cover, 10,000 trees will be planted each year.
This program will allow the rehabilitation of 12 reservoirs, the creation of 1000 SHGs and the training of 900 farmers in the districts of Karur and Trichy.
Some past achievements

OFI-GRAMIUM-SEVAI: Let's build development
Development is also a matter of building the skills of beneficiaries. This is why the GRAMIUM and SEVAI NGOs, by providing training, have a central role in the rural development of the districts of Karur and Trichy. To support its partners since August 2018, OFI has renovated 7 training centers with the two NGOs. Since their renovation, these centers have hosted various training courses: vocational training to improve the employability of women, agricultural training to promote agriculture more respectful of the environment, evening classes for students and computer courses for all.
5 other buildings were renovated in the villages to accommodate textile production centers for export.
OFI-SEVAI-GRAMIUM: Female toilets
Only 28% of Indian families living in rural areas have access to a toilet in their household or to adequate and accessible public facilities. In partnership with the NGOs SEVAI and GRAMIUM, OFI has set up a project to build toilets in the villages of Tamil Nadu. The project provided a sustainable response to reduce the risk of disease and sexual harassment linked to the lack of health infrastructure. This project has been 70% funded by the Indian government. In order to ensure the sustainability of the project, the beneficiaries participated in the construction of sanitary facilities, are trained in the maintenance of these infrastructures and made aware of good hygiene practices.
The project started in mid-March 2017. Today we have been able to build more than 700 toilets

OFI-SEVAI: Organic farming
Since 2008, OFI has enabled the establishment of 2 organic farming units with the NGO SEVAI. These entities produce 20 tonnes of vermi-compost per month (organic compost) and organic fertilizers and pesticides.
Its production has rehabilitated 600 hectares of agricultural land damaged by flooding and created 80 jobs. SEVAI emphasizes the rational use of water by teaching the drip technique, in order to cover a larger area of cultivable land.
OFI-SEVAI-GRAMIUM: Cultivate Development II
Following requests from villagers to GRAMIUM and SEVAI, OFI contributed to the rehabilitation of reservoirs each supplying 50 wells, allowing the irrigation of 200 hectares of cultivable land, thanks to various hydraulic infrastructures.
More than 800 beneficiaries are impacted by the actions of the program. In addition, the program promotes social entrepreneurship among groups of women formed to launch income-generating economic activities: Self-Help Groups.
Thanks to a large grant from Société Générale, new projects have started since January 2015.

OFI-SEVAI: Training in goat breeding
In Tottyampatti, the NGO SEVAI built an experimental farm allowing 108 women each year to learn to breed goats in order to increase their income and improve their living conditions. This project is part of a social entrepreneurship program aimed at promoting the emancipation of the most disadvantaged women in Tamil Nadu.
The project continues thanks to a “revolving fund” system where the funds are reused to intervene in new villages.
OFI contributed to the start of the project thanks to the support of the Air Liquide Foundation.
OFI- GRAMIUM / SEVAI: From the green revolution
to the white revolution!
Following a field study carried out by a French agricultural engineer, the NGOs GRAMIUM and SEVAI decided to launch a program to optimize milk production.
This program concerns 2000 cows, raised by groups of women in solidarity who pool their resources for the creation of their own economic activity: the Self-Help Groups. For each NGO, the project consists of creating an experimental model farm.
The objective was to increase milk production by 10 to 20%, to allow 1000 families to increase their income.

OFI-SEVAI / GRAMIUM: Cultivate development
Since 2003, OFI has participated in the rehabilitation of 28 reservoirs (phase 1 of the program) for a total of 2,800 Ha of irrigated land! Over 50,000 trees have been planted around the wells.